API Overview

The Mint24 API helps developers build new experiences using NFTs and our marketplace data. We provide a set of endpoints that enable you to fetch ERC721 and ERC1155 token metadata as well as other core aspects of our marketplace, including events, collection, orders and more.

We provide this API free of charge and ask that you provide attribution to Mint24 on your site or in your app. When using our API, you should link to the Mint24 marketplace from the NFTs that you display, where appropriate.

The primary object in the Mint24 API is the asset, which represents a unique digital item whose ownership is managed by the blockchain.

Mint24 API main url is:

In some case user have to use Mint24 master wallet address as following:

Mint Assets

API Endpoint: https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/nft/mintMethod: POST
# Here is a curl examplecurl \-X POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/nft/mint \-H 'Authorization: your_api_key'-F 'title = Test title' \-F 'description = Test description' \-F 'category = 1'-F 'image = @/picture/test.jpg' \-F 'transaction_hash = transaction id' \-F 'metamask_address = wallet address' \
Result example :
   "message":"NFT minted successfully!",

POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/nft/mint

This endpoint is used to create and mint an NFT for sale into the Mint24.

Creator have to pay 0.05BNB including gas fees to 0x0d7b3e19A13533Ff111F30ca046248C4dD71F106 master wallet address and take transacion hash.

Click here to know how to transfer BNB from one account to other Binance Smart Chain address.


Field Type Description
title required String Name of asset.
description required String Description of asset.
category required Integer Id of category. you should get ID from the category api.
image required File Image of asset. Upload 680X790 pixel resolution for good display.
transaction_hash required String Mint 0.05BNB service fee paid transaction hash.
metamask_address required String This is the metamask wallet address, from which you transferred 0.05BNB to master wallet address.

Retrieve Assets

API Endpoint: https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/assetsMethod: POST
# Here is a curl examplecurl \-X POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/assets \-H 'Authorization: your_api_key'-F 'wallet_address=0x0d...f106' \-F 'creator_wallet_address=0x0d...f106' \-F 'token_ids=1,2,3'-F 'order_direction=desc' \-F 'limit=10' \-F 'page=1' \
Result example :
    "data": [
            "token_id": 148,
            "title": "This is API Nft1234",
            "description": "This test api nft description1",
            "type": 1,
            "expired_at": null,
            "price": "0.00000000",
            "total_price": "0.00000000",
            "like": 0,
            "dislike": 0,
            "views": 0,
            "category_id": 1,
            "category_title": "Game",
            "status": "MINTED",
            "thumbnail": "IMAGE_URL/627cddc36da74.jpg",
            "mint_address": "0x4b7697eeccb689077136cb9704c17237bce88bb9",
            "is_minted": 1,
            "current_owner_address": "0x4b7697eeccb689077136cb9704c17237bce88bb9",
            "transaction_hash": "0xb7f3d4d0eb0a48de03ab8ad0309e7b67ca71c9ccb7438151ff66994475462f21",
            "created_at": "2022-05-12 10:13:23",
            "updated_at": "2022-05-12 10:14:00"
    "meta": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "path": "URL",
        "per_page": "20",
        "to": 3,
        "total": 3
    "status": true,
    "code": 200,
    "message": "Item found."

POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/assets

This endpoint returns a set of NFTs based on the specified filter parameters.


Field Type Description
wallet_address required String The address of the owner of the assets.
creator_wallet_address optional String The address of the creator of the assets.
token_ids optional String Comma separated string of token IDs to search for (e.g. ?token_ids=1,2,3). Will return a list of assets with token_id matching any of the IDs in this array.
order_direction optional string Can be asc for ascending or desc for descending
limit optional Integer Limit. Defaults to 10, capped at 50.
page optional Integer Page Number. Defaults to 1

Details Asset

API Endpoint: https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/assets/detailsMethod: POST
# Here is a curl examplecurl \-X POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/assets/details \-H 'Authorization: your_api_key'-F 'token_id  = 1' \
Result example :
    "data": [
            "token_id": 138,
            "title": "This is Test NFT - 38",
            "description": "This is Test NFT - 38",
            "type": 1,
            "expired_at": "2022-05-28 02:25:00",
            "price": "0.06000000",
            "total_price": "0.06000000",
            "like": 0,
            "dislike": 0,
            "views": 2,
            "category_id": 2,
            "category_title": "Photography",
            "status": "APPROVED",
            "thumbnail": "IMAGE_URL/627a38422eb64.jpg",
            "mint_address": "0xebad9ec8ba1628a7b9bcf3e30c984b7493852364",
            "is_minted": 1,
            "current_owner_address": "0x4b7697eeccb689077136cb9704c17237bce88bb9",
            "transaction_hash": "0x64bb04b6dcbbb224895ac2a0fd221fc01b4ec319937f7c7962cbf03c558997cf",
            "created_at": "2022-05-10 10:02:42",
            "updated_at": "2022-05-17 09:06:58"
    "status": true,
    "code": 200,
    "message": "Item found."

POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/assets/details

This endpoint is used to fetch information about a single NFT, based on its token ID.


Field Type Description
token_id required String Token id of NFT.

Retrieve Asset Activity

API Endpoint: https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/asset/activity-listMethod: POST
# Here is a curl examplecurl \-X POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/asset/activity-list \-H 'Authorization: your_api_key'-F 'token_id=1' \-F 'type=minted' \-F 'from_date=2022-05-04' \-F 'to_date=2022-05-04' \-F 'page=1' \-F 'limit=10'
Result example :
    "data": [
            "id": 105,
            "title": "This is Test NFT - 31",
            "type": "sale",
            "from_address": "0x4...bb9",
            "to_address": "0xe...364",
            "price": 0.1,
            "quantity": 1,
            "transaction_hash": "0xda0...402d0",
            "created_at": "2022-05-04 09:08:35"
    "meta": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "path": "URL",
        "per_page": "10",
        "to": 4,
        "total": 4
    "status": true,
    "code": 200,
    "message": "Item event list."

POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/asset/activity-list

This endpoint is return set of specific NFT activity(like: mint,list,sell,transfer).


Field Type Description
token_id required String Token id of NFT.
type optional String Type of activity, Here is list of type 'minted','list','transfer','sale'
from_date optional String Filter by from date
to_date optional String Filter by to date
limit optional Integer Limit. Defaults to 10, capped at 50.
page optional Integer Page Number. Defaults to 1

Retrieve User Activity

API Endpoint: https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/user/activity-listMethod: POST
# Here is a curl examplecurl \-X POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/user/activity-list \-H 'Authorization: your_api_key'-F 'wallet_address=0x4...bb9' \-F 'type=minted' \-F 'from_date=2022-05-04' \-F 'to_date=2022-05-04' \-F 'page=1' \-F 'limit=10'
Result example :
    "data": [
            "id": 105,
            "title": "This is Test NFT - 31",
            "type": "sale",
            "from_address": "0x4...bb9",
            "to_address": "0xe...364",
            "price": 0.1,
            "quantity": 1,
            "transaction_hash": "0xda0...402d0",
            "created_at": "2022-05-04 09:08:35"
    "meta": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "path": "URL",
        "per_page": "10",
        "to": 4,
        "total": 4
    "status": true,
    "code": 200,
    "message": "Item event list."

POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/user/activity-list

This endpoint is return set of user all activity(like: mint,list,sell,transfer).


Field Type Description
wallet_address required String User metamask wallet address.
type optional String Type of activity, Here is list of type 'minted','list','transfer','sale'
from_date optional String Filter by from date
to_date optional String Filter by to date
limit optional Integer Limit. Defaults to 10, capped at 50.
page optional Integer Page Number. Defaults to 1

Retrieve User NFT Balance

API Endpoint: https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/nft/get-balanceMethod: POST
# Here is a curl examplecurl \-X POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/nft/get-balance \-H 'Authorization: your_api_key'-F 'wallet_address=0x4...bb9' \-F 'creator_wallet_address=0x4...364' \
Result example :
    "status": true,
    "code": 200,
    "message": "Your nft balance"
    "data": {
        "balance" : 1

POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/nft/get-balance

This endpoint is used for user can check how much number of NFT have in his/her account.


Field Type Description
wallet_address required String User metamask wallet address.
creator_wallet_address optional String Creator metamask wallet address. Check how much number of NFT have in his/her account by specific creator..

Retrieve User Earning

API Endpoint: https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/user/earningMethod: POST
# Here is a curl examplecurl \-X POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/user/earning \-H 'Authorization: your_api_key'-F 'type=earning' \-F 'from_date=2022-05-02' \-F 'to_date=2022-05-02'-F 'page=1' \-F 'limit=10' \
Result example :
    "data": [
            "id": 6,
            "token_id": 115,
            "assets_title": "This is Test NFT - 12",
            "type": "earning",
            "buy_amount": 0.13,
            "sell_amount": 0.15,
            "earning_amount": 0.02,
            "created_at": "2022-05-02 13:07:28",
    "meta": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "path": "URL",
        "per_page": "20",
        "to": 3,
        "total": 3
    "status": true,
    "code": 200,
    "message": "Earning found.",
    "total_earning": "0.4000"

POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/user/earning

This endpoint is used for user can check how much number of NFT have in his/her account.


Field Type Description
type optional String Type of earning, Here is list of type 'earning', 'royality'
from_date optional String Filter by from date
to_date optional String Filter by to date
limit optional Integer Limit. Defaults to 10, capped at 50.
page optional Integer Page Number. Defaults to 1

Retrieve Category

API Endpoint: https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/asset/categoryMethod: POST
# Here is a curl examplecurl \-X POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/asset/category \-H 'Authorization: your_api_key'-F 'page=1' \-F 'limit=10'
Result example :
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "title": "Game",
            "description": "Game Category",
            "priority": 1,
            "created_at": "2022-03-08 06:27:33"
    "meta": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "path": "URL",
        "per_page": "10",
        "to": 3,
        "total": 3
    "status": true,
    "code": 200,
    "message": "Category List."

POST https://box24.io/nft-frontend/api/v1/asset/category

This endpoint return a set of aseet categories.


Field Type Description
limit optional Integer Limit. Defaults to 10, capped at 50.
page optional Integer Page Number. Defaults to 1

Errors Code

The Mint24 API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Some parameters are missing. This error appears when you don't pass every mandatory parameters.
401 Unknown or not found or empty data results.
402 Unknown or invalid API key. This error appears if you use an unknow API key or if your API key expired.
200 Sucess